Sanchez joins Man Utd – Twitter remains silent

After weeks of rumours, hints, speculation, no comments and secret negotiations, finally Alexis Sanchez is a Manchester United player, while Henrikh Mkhitaryan passes him on the M6 on his way to Arsenal.

The Chile forward has signed a four-and-a-half-year contract at United worth £500,000 a week, making him the highest paid player in the country, while Mkhitaryan is now contracted to Arsenal until 2021.

In hindsight its a good deal for both clubs. Jose Mourinho gets a world-class striker who didn’t want to be at the Gunners while Arsen Wenger gets a player who has been unable to get regular first team football despite his quality.

There’s certainly no love lost between Sanchez and some of his former Arsenal temamates. The Chilean rubbed a fair few of them up the wrong way as he tried to force his way out of the club. We were unable to find any tweets from Arsenal players wishing Sanchez well. Héctor Bellerín did welcome Mkhitaryan to the Emirates though…