Will Arne Slot in well at Liverpool?

It appears that Liverpool have got their man to replace Jurgen Klopp.

Despite missing the chance to bring Xabi Alonso back from Germany and also apparently failing to lure Ruben Amorim, who now loooks likely to take over at West Ham, the Reds have found someone wanting the job.

Negotiations to prise Arne Slot away from Feyenoord have been taking place this week and, with the 45-year-old now openly declaring his desire to join Liverpool, it looks like a matter of time before the deal is done.

“It seems clear to me that I would like to work there,” Slot said. “All I can say about it is that the clubs are in negotiations. I’m in the waiting room.”

Is he the right man for the job? He certainly has the potential, but time will tell whether he can full Jurgen’s shoes. It’s going to be a tall order.