Howe bemoans Pope red card

Nick Pope’s straight red card for handball outside his penalty area during Newcastle‘s 2-0 home defeat by Liverpool leaves Eddie Howe with a headache.

“It was probably technically handball but I don’t know the rules on red cards outside the box,” said the Magpies boss. “For me it was a harsh reaction but I understand if it’s in the rules.

“These things happen at such high speed, and the conditions were slightly difficult with the wind and the slippy surface. I think he just probably slightly misjudged the ball.

“Yes, it’s hit his arm. Is it a red card? I’m of the view I think that was harsh, personally. I think the referee could have easily given a yellow card in that situation.”

Howe now faces the dilemma of deciding between Mark Gillespie and Loris Karius in goal for next Sunday’s League Cup final against Manchester United.

“We’ve got a decision to make. Mark Gillespie has trained very well this season as has Loris,” he added.